How children learn & thrive: swapping discipline with empathy education (Part 2)

How children learn & thrive: swapping discipline with empathy education (Part 2)

Parents want to raise respectful children who make good choices. We want our kids to be well behaved and choose the right way to act in the world and the right way to speak with people.

If your children do something “naughty” or act “disrespectfully,” how do you help your children to learn the right thing to do?

Do you get angry and yell at the kids or do you send them into time out?   Do you give them a reward if they have good behaviour or take something away if they do the wrong thing?

I was hit as a child and I hated it. I also hated seeing my siblings get hit as well. So I was determined not to hit our son.

When I’ve yelled at our son, or put him in time out or made him do things for a reward or punishment - it didn’t feel good to me… I felt guilty and I hated seeing him upset. I can’t imagine any parent who likes disciplining and punishing their children... it doesn't feel good to yell, put them in time out or smack them. They are our precious babes ... but at the same time we can't have them running wild right?

So I asked the questions:

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