Education, Career and Money life skills for children

Education, Career and Money life skills for children

Helping children understand the opportunities that developing effective learning strategies can bring and how learning provides the vehicle for personal and professional development are fundamental to developing a positive attitude to learning at the individual level and a skilled workforce at the national level. 

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Health and Wellbeing life skills for children

Health and Wellbeing life skills for children

A child can function more efficiently and effectively in a clean and tidy environment. Further, a child’s diet and exercise play crucial roles in their physical and mental well being. These are very valuable life skills for your child.

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Communication Skills and Relationships social skills for children

Communication Skills and Relationships social skills for children

Effective communication and social skills enable children to develop strong relationships with family, colleagues and friends and work in a productive, harmonious and enjoyable way. Learning how to cooperate and work in a group as well as understanding when to lead and when to follow are valuable skills. Other social skills for children to learn include understanding how to avoid unnecessary conflict and how to be a good communicator.  Building relationships is essential for creating a happy and productive life. 

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Inspired Creativity life skills for children

Inspired Creativity life skills for children

If a child is experiencing a difficulty in their life, having the skills to clearly identify and articulate the difficulty, feel empowered to set goals and the take actions to overcome the difficulty allows the child to turn a negative situation into a positive one. This is very empowering and encourages children to be resourceful, develop their imaginative skills, discover what inspires them and achieve their goals. Creating opportunities for children to nurture their creativity is beneficial for both work and play.

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Relaxation and Play life skills for children

Relaxation and Play life skills for children

Do you and your children regularly take time out to relax and play together? This is very important in today’s society as most parents are rushing, overworked and lack a good work-life balance. This is also true for our children who are busy with school, homework, sporting activities, after-school tutoring and social networking and the list goes on. Being able to relax and to play reduces anxiety, illness and increases the joy in life.

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See want happens when you are persistent

See want happens when you are persistent

In today’s world of instant information, fast food and almost unlimited options, teaching kids persistence is an important life skill.

Do you find your children give up at the first sign of a challenge? Try something once or twice and if they are not perfect at it move on to something else? Well, like all skills persistence can be learned and it is one of the most important skills you will ever teach your child.

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When bribing, rewarding & punishing your kids doesn't work, read this...

Parenting can be challenging and maybe you're spending more time disciplining & punishing, than enjoying your kids. What if you could get your kids to listen & to cooperate without yelling or bribing? Many family issues result in fights because your kids don't have the skills to manage day-to-day activities. You can take the pain out of parenting by teaching your children to manage their emotions, communicate effectively, resolve conflict, develop a love of learning and much more. With the 15 minute activities in these life skills ebooks you can help your children develop good self-esteem,  manage anger, resolve conflicts, be respectful, develop a love of learning and much more. Don't leave your child's life success up to chance... life skills make a real difference in your child's life success... Learn more about the Win Win Parenting ebooks


Do you have a Parenting question? - Ask Dr Rosina

Parenting Expert Dr Rosina McAlpine

Ask a parenting question

If you need some parenting ideas for a challenging situation you have or you've heard conflicting advice or you just have a question about how you can help your children develop important life skills like good self esteem, resilience or a positive attitude, then please submit in the form below and I'll do my best to answer you and support your family.