Parents: How to Prevent melt-downs and screen-time skirmishes

Parents: How to Prevent melt-downs and screen-time skirmishes

We all know what it can be like when our child has an emotional meltdown – and it can happen over the littlest thing – like the toast being cut the wrong way!  What about the supermarket meltdown when you say “no” to the candies! At those challenging times it can feel like everyone is looking at you, you don’t know what to do to calm your child, you feel judged as an incompetent parent…and you just wish you could be anywhere but here? Right?

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Time Out: a Close Look at the Potential Harms of this Modern-Day Parenting Strategy

Time Out: a Close Look at the Potential Harms of this Modern-Day Parenting Strategy

Time-out has become a popular approach to parenting, choosing it as a ‘better’ alternative to smacking. However there is evidence that this parenting tool is more complex than many parents think and some experts even consider that time-out can be a harmful practice.

Dr Rosina, entertaining and educational parenting expert and Dr Robyn Mills, psychologist and inspirational speaker, explore the in’s and out’s of time-out.

In this interview you’ll learn:

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Practical advice for parents and teens

Practical advice for parents and teens

Teenage years can be very volatile. It is a time when parents and teens can feel like they are in opposition and can’t find a connection! There’s so much going on inside a teenager physically, emotionally and psychologically that things can feel out of control and can get out of control in a flash.

Parents can be on the receiving end of emotional outbursts like “I hate you!” “I hate myself!” “My life sucks” “Everyone is always against me” “Can’t you just leave me alone?” These are common feelings for teens who are trying to find their way in the world – where they are torn between breaking away from their parents and becoming independent as well as wanting to be part of a social group.

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Parents: Learn the Do’s and Don’ts of Your Child’s Early Brain Development

Parents: Learn the Do’s and Don’ts of Your Child’s Early Brain Development

Your child’s brain development in those early years provides the foundation for their whole life. Nurturing your child’s brain will help them to learn, retain and use information and skills including managing their behaviour and emotions. Yet many parents don’t understand how they sometimes positively and sometimes negatively affect their child’s brain development.

Listen in as parenting expert Dr Rosina McAlpine and Deborah McNellis discuss the Do's and Don'ts of your Child's early brain development.

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Busy Parents: Find More Time at Work, at Home and With the Kids

Busy Parents: Find More Time at Work, at Home and With the Kids

Are you feeling like you’re always on the go with never enough time to get things done, chasing that elusive work-life balance that we’re all seeking to achieve?

What would work-life balance mean for you?  What are you really looking for when we say you want more work-life balance?  To help you answer all of these questions, join Dr Rosina as she interviews Mitzi Weinman, creator of Time Finder and author of It’s About Time!: Transforming Chaos into Calm A to Z.

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Parents: Communicate with your baby from day one

Parents: Communicate with your baby from day one

This is not science fiction. If you want to learn how to understand your baby and meet his/her needs before they cry then listen to this show! It’s revolutionary.

Today’s guest has cracked the baby communication code. Vivien Sabel is a mother, relational psychotherapist and author of The Blossom Method™- The Revolutionary Way to Communicate with Your Baby from Birth. 

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Navigating the Parent – Grandparent Relationship

Navigating the Parent – Grandparent Relationship

The parent – grandparent relationship is so important and offers wonderful benefits for everyone when it’s working well. In an ideal world, parents would respect their own parents, value their support and appreciate the important role they play as grandparents. In that same ideal world, grandparents would be loving and helpful parents to their grown children and caring and thoughtful grandparents to their grandchildren…BUT…not everyone lives in that ‘ideal’ world.

Listen to parenting expert Dr Rosina McAlpine and Dr Robyn Mills as they discuss the in’s and out’s of navigating the parent – grandparent relationship.

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Making and Raising Healthy Babies

Are you:

Thinking about having a baby?

Trying to have a baby?

Pregnant  OR

Do you already have a baby you’re taking care of now?

Listen in as Dr Rosina interviews Jan Roberts who is an expert in preconception, pregnancy and baby. Jan is an author and authority on all things baby.

Shared Parenting: Fathers Stepping up and Mothers Letting Go

Shared Parenting: Fathers Stepping up and Mothers Letting Go

Do you often disagree with your partner about how to parent? Do you feel like you’re doing most of the parenting and your partner has checked out?  

When I first brought my son home I was an over protective mother – even when it can to his dad! I was constantly at my husband saying things like: “don’t hold him like that” Don’t throw him in the air – he’s just eaten”, “Don’t be so rough – he’s just a baby!”

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Educating Children to Prevent Child Abuse Using Music and Songs

Educating Children to Prevent Child Abuse Using Music and Songs

Child abuse is a topic no-one wants to talk about BUT, the reality is – if we are going to do all we can to keep our children safe - we have to. The rate of child-abuse in Australia and world-wide is on the rise. As a parent, teacher or carer it’s important to teach every child what to do if they are confronted with a situation with the potential for child abuse by educating them from a very young age about the potential harms and what they can do if someone tries to abuse them.

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Mindfulness for better parenting and calmer families - Audio

Mindfulness for better parenting and calmer families - Audio

Do you find that even with the best intentions to stay calm with your children, before you know it you are annoyed or even angry and yelling at something they have done ?

“HURRY UP! Get ready we’re running LATE AGAIN!”

“Don’t you speak to me with that DISRESPECTFUL TONE!”

“How MANY TIMES do I have to say the SAME THING? Will you EVER learn?”

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How to turn your Child's No into a Yes

How to turn your Child's No into a Yes

In this video parenting expert Dr Rosina McAlpine's talks about how to turn the constant No's we get from our children into a YES. She discusses how we should take an audit of how many times we say No to our children during the day and how this is reflected back at us. Obviously we can't say yes to everything but Dr Rosina shows how we can give a No in a way that will change the way you and your kids interact with each other.

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Strategies to support resilience

Life is not always easy and we all encounter setbacks, obstacles and difficulties at one time or another. How resilient are your children when it comes to navigating life’s challenges? How do your children handle life’s downs? Are they OK if they lose a race, fail a test, fall over and hurt themselves or have a disappointment? Resilience is the ability to get up and move on when things are tough, some of the most successful people failed the first time but were resilient enough to persevere. Help your children understand that  “you never fail until you give up”. Help your child

1. understand what it means to be resilient

2. learn about some of the strategies to help them cope with adversity and bounce back when times are tough.

Nurturing self esteem and self confidence in kids - Video

In this short video, Parenting Expert Dr Rosina shares her heart-felt personal story about her own low self esteem as a girl and her research into how to support healthy self esteem and self confidence in children.

Rosina discusses:

What is self esteem (internal validation versus external praise)

Do we really want to raise ‘confident’ children even if they are ‘overconfident’?

Why we want our children to have low self confidence if they are new at a task and high self confidence when they have mastered a task

What is self-esteem and self-confidence and how do you get it?

What is self-esteem and self-confidence and  how do you get it?

Self-esteem and self-confidence are words we use regularly in our day-to-day discussions with friends, family, colleagues, peers and with our children. Many people use the words interchangeably, assume they have the same meaning and even define one using the other but what most people don’t know is that they are NOT the same and that it’s important to know the difference as it can have a huge impact on the quality of your life.

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Education, Career and Money life skills for children

Education, Career and Money life skills for children

Helping children understand the opportunities that developing effective learning strategies can bring and how learning provides the vehicle for personal and professional development are fundamental to developing a positive attitude to learning at the individual level and a skilled workforce at the national level. 

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Health and Wellbeing life skills for children

Health and Wellbeing life skills for children

A child can function more efficiently and effectively in a clean and tidy environment. Further, a child’s diet and exercise play crucial roles in their physical and mental well being. These are very valuable life skills for your child.

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Communication Skills and Relationships social skills for children

Communication Skills and Relationships social skills for children

Effective communication and social skills enable children to develop strong relationships with family, colleagues and friends and work in a productive, harmonious and enjoyable way. Learning how to cooperate and work in a group as well as understanding when to lead and when to follow are valuable skills. Other social skills for children to learn include understanding how to avoid unnecessary conflict and how to be a good communicator.  Building relationships is essential for creating a happy and productive life. 

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Helping Kids Learn How to Be Healthy

Helping Kids Learn How to Be Healthy

Good health is a great foundation upon which to build a great life. The press is filled with scary news about how our children are obese and unhealthy. So as a parent what can you do to help your kids learn about how to be healthy? One important part of child development is instilling knowledge and good habits around eating and exercise. What kids learn about health when they are young will help them throughout their whole life.

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