Dr Rosina - Life Skills eBook series

Are you worried that your child is failing at life and doesn’t have the skills it takes for life success?

Low self esteem, negative attitude, emotional outbursts, disconnected, overweight, and bullying are just some of the signs...

Is your child heading for trouble?

Dr Rosina’s Inspired Children Life Skills approach to parenting can help

Ask yourself a few questions:

  • Does your child have low self esteem and lack confidence?
  • Is your child overweight?
  • Does your child have emotional outbursts or trouble controlling their behavours?
  • Is your child being bullied or a bully?
  • Does your child give up easily or have difficulty coping with change?
  • Is your child succumbing to negative peer pressure? 

    If you answered YES to any of these questions, or you have other concerns then you’re not alone.

    Did you know that an increasing number of children are experiencing anxiety, depression, bullying, obesity, diabetes, drug abuse, mental disorders and even suicide? Maybe your child is experiencing one or more of these issues right now. If so, they need the life skills to overcome these challenges to and to help them you need a positive parenting program to give you the parenting skills you need for good parenting.  

    Hopefully your children aren't experiencing a life challenge now, but why wait until your child is in trouble? Research shows that helping children develop key life skills can decrease your child’s chances of developing anxiety, depression, obesity, addiction and many other physical and mental disorders. We all know the old saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”! So don’t wait until it’s too late.

    Like all parents, you want your child to sail through life? Right?

    How good would you feel if your child:

    • Was confident and had good self esteem
    • Tackled life's challenges with courage and enthusiasm
    • Was motivated to learn and develop as a person
    • Could make and keep the right type of friends
    • Understood about earning, saving and spending money wisely
    •  Managed stress and had good work-life balance
    • Could manage their emotions and behaviours and get on well with others...

    Your child can master these life skills for kids

    Every day we hear about the rising statistics that show our children are in crisis. How is this possible in this day and age? Well, too many children are failing to cope with the many pressures of today because they don’t have the life skills to cope. There are the increased pressures on children from so many directions like school, social pressures, a fast-paced life, changes in family circumstances, not to mention all of the online pressures of using technology like FaceBook, Twitter and the internet, many of which we never faced as children. So as a parent, grandparent or primary care-giver what can you do to ensure your children can cope? Perhaps you need some good parenting advice, parenting tips to help you develop your positive parenting skills.

    Like many other parents, I thought my child’s success was mainly determined by IQ or academic achievement. Otherwise, why would our children spend so many hours at school and then again at after school tutoring developing their knowledge? However, what the latest research shows, is that it is life skills and personal qualities, not intelligence or academic performance that makes the  difference in a child’s life success. That's when I knew I needed to develop a life skills based positive parenting program to help parents get good parenting advice and parenting skills to teach their kids and support child development.

    Child development experts claim that children who have low self esteem are more likely to have feelings of worthlessness, give up, succumb to peer pressures and fall into addictions. On the other hand children who have healthy self esteem and self-control are more likely to succeed in their studies, be able to manage their emotions and behaviours and overcome life’s challenges. So, if children are developing their mind at school and in after school tuition, where are they developing the skills that will give them the foundation for life success? The answer is that many children are not developing key life skills and that in fact our children are heading for trouble and sadly, many are already there. Where are your children? Are they in trouble or headed that way? Do you have the good parenting skills and parenting articles you need to raise kids?

    If you’re ready to MAKE A POSITIVE CHANGE IN YOUR CHILD’S life then read on.

    Dr Rosina McAlpineBCom MCom (Hons); MHEd PhD UNSW FCPA

    Dr Rosina McAlpine

    BCom MCom (Hons); MHEd PhD UNSW FCPA

    Dear Parent,

    My name is Dr Rosina McAlpine, and like you I am a concerned and caring parent. Since our son was born in 2007, I’ve spent years talking to leading child development experts from around the world and reading the latest research on good parenting. Do you feel confident as a parent? When I became a mother, I didn’t feel confident about making many of the important parenting decisions because like most parents I never went to positive parenting courses apart from the few birthing classes I attended before our son was born. But then what?  Sure I love our child and want the best for him, but all I had to draw on was the parenting I received and watching other families and I’m sure you’ve seen and experienced the hardship even well-intentioned parenting can bring.

    So it was clear I didn’t have all of the good parenting skills or parenting advice I needed to raise our child and support his child development. You know, as a parent there are so many choices to be made and I didn’t know what the latest parenting articles said about the ‘most nutritional’ foods for growing a healthy body and mind but I could see that more and more kids are overweight, obese and sadly, the rate of childhood diabetes and other weight related diseases are continually increasing. So, of course I want my child to eat well so he can be healthy. Are your children eating well or are you continually battling their demands for junk food that you’d prefer they don’t eat? Do they have healthy active bodies or do they spend most of their time sitting in front of the TV or computer? Do you feel like you need some good parenting help?

    I didn’t know how to best help my child’s brain develop so he could learn effectively and not fall behind yet I kept talking with parents about the many children being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and other learning challenges. What’s more, every day the parenting articles in media highlight the rising rate of bullying, crime, anxiety, depression and even suicide among children. This is so scary for every parent who wants to do the best they can to ensure they are raising kids who are psychologically and emotionally well-balanced.

    Let’s face it, it's the child development experts that have the answers, not every day parents like us who are trying to do the best they can. I really can’t think of any jobs that don’t need at least some kind of training, education or experience, yet the most important role in the world ... parenting another human being... parents are expected to somehow just KNOW what to do from when their child is a baby, then as a toddler and right through the teen years. Crazy right? How can everyday parents have all of the answers for all of the problems children experience and help them reach all of their developmental milestones without some kind of help? Parenting your child from baby to teenager is a huge responsibility and one you want to get right. You would never take your child to a teacher, psychologist or a doctor if they didn’t have the right training and experience. Bakers, accountants, lawyers, builders, teachers, doctors, nutritionists ... all need some kinds of skills and knowledge... but what about parents? Where do parents get good parenting skills? Where is their training? Where are the positive parenting programs? Where can parents turn for good parenting advice, parenting tips for raising kids and child development?

    When it comes to raising a well balanced, intelligent, happy and healthy child ... some professionals have an edge. The neuroscientists know about supporting a child’s early brain development, the nutritionists and other health professionals know how to nourish and to exercise a child’s growing body; the psychologists know the best ways to support a child’s emotional and psychological development so that they grow into well-balanced, capable and resilient adults. So where can every day mums, dads, grandparents and other carers go for parenting help if they don’t have access to all the experts?

    Whether you’re a new parent working out how to care for your tiny baby, taming your boisterous toddler or being baffled by your teenager’s erratic mood swings … every stage of parenting can be challenging!

    As a teacher and  researcher for over 25 years, I decided to learn from the experts about positive parenting and child development so I could base my parenting decisions on the best research, the latest scientific discoveries and most importantly the practical ideas that
    really work to help my child thrive and develop life skills. I wanted to support my child’s happiness, success and wellbeing so I could wash away that ever-present guilt about being a good  and responsible parent.  

    Research shows that it is LIFE SKILLS that determine a child’s success in life, not their IQ.

    So, I decided to find the good parenting advice, positive parenting tips and resources I needed to help our son develop key life skills and personal qualities, so he could lead a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. I have spent years researching ‘best parenting practices’ from the leading child development experts of our time. I’ve met with them, talked with them and read their work, and now I want to share what I’ve discovered with you.

    Armed with all of this good parenting advice, I want to support other parents get parenting help on their journey because I know that parenting is one of, if not the most demanding, jobs in the world and it is so important we get it right as our children’s future depends on it. 

    Wash away the guilt about not being a good parent

    Research on child development clearly shows that it is life skills… not IQ or academic achievement that provide the foundation to spring board your child into life success. Life skills and personal qualities help them to embrace good self esteem, become lifelong learners, make friends and communicate effectively with family, friends and teachers, be resilient and overcome the many difficulties and the challenges that life brings, to feel confident to achieve their dreams and discover the contributions they will make in the world.

    Drawing on my years of research into child development, over 25 years of teaching experience and most importantly my day-to-day life experiences as a mother, I have developed the Inspired Children: Positive Parenting Program Life Skills eBook series. These positive parenting eBooks are filled with good parenting advice, parenting tips, information, resources and practical activities that really work to give parents the parenting skills, parenting help and tools they need to help their children develop life skills they need to fly through life.

    How relieved would you be if you knew your child felt confident in themselves and could tackle any obstacle life threw in their way? How happy would you feel if your children ate well, exercised and kept a clean and tidy room ... well at least an orderly enough room and study environment to support their academic success. Imagine how easy life would be for your child if they had good friends and were able to interact with their peers and adults in a courteous and respectful way. Most importantly wouldn’t you feel less stressed if you knew that your children were able to mange their stress, their emotions and their behaviours so they didn’t stress you out? Yes, Yes and Yes!

    Does this sound too good to be true? Well, you’re right... if you don’t help your kids develop these qualities how can they acquire them and make the most of their lives? You can make a real difference in your child’s life and empower them with real life skills ... so you can rest easy and know they’ll be OK at pre-school, school and beyond. Most importantly, it doesn’t take a lot of time to learn good parenting skills and learn about child development ... you just need the right life skills based positive parenting program with reliable parenting advice, good parenting tips,  practical resources so you can develop your parenting skills and know how! 

    Introducing - Inspired Children's Key Life Skills Positive Parenting Program E Book Series

    Developed for the busy parent who wants to give their child the best chance in life, this Life Skills Based Positive Parenting Program eBook series gives parents a step-by-step guide on how to empower their child with key life skills in just 15 minutes at a time... every parent can find 15 minutes once or twice a week right?

    Each of the seven eBooks is filled with practical positive parenting advice, good parenting tips, information about child development  so parents can develop good parenting skills for raising kids and teaching them life skills.

    Which life skills?

    There is SO much parenting information out there! To make it easy for parents, I have done all of the research and hard work by drawing on the latest research into parenting and child development, and now I’ve brought it all together for you. I’ve identified the following list of key life skill and personal qualities you can help your child develop for life success. Click to find out more about each E Book.

    1.        Personal Power – self esteem and resilience

    2.        Health and Wellbeing

    3.        Communication Skills and Relationships

    4.        Education, Career and Money

    5.        Environment and Social Understanding

    6.        Relaxation and Play

    7.        Inspired Creativity

    You don’t have to do them all at once, each life skill home activity eBook has been especially developed to help children acquire the skills and attributes in ONE of these life skill areas.  You can select the life skill areas that are most needed for you now. Don't worry, you get the parenting advice and the good parenting tips you need to develop your parenting skills and help your children. It's easy, a step by step process as you develop your parenting skills.

    If your child lacks confidence and needs help with their attitude and self esteem you can start with the Personal Power eBook. If your child needs help to achieve a healthy lifestyle you’ll find information and practical activities in the Health and Wellbeing eBook. If your child is stressed and needs stress reduction and relaxation techniques simply select the Relaxation and Play eBook for great advice. If your child is having trouble making friends or relating to you or other family members you’ll find activities to improve your child skills in the Communication and Relationships eBook.

    It’s up to you where you start and how many life skills you help your child develop.  

    Available for instant Download from our Shop

    Available for IMMEDIATE ACCESS each E Book has 12 Activities so you can make a real difference to your child’s success in life. At only $9.95 for each e-book obtain 84 life enhancing activities for your child, it’s an easy decision. Shop.

    This is your chance to empower your child and set them up for a successful and meaningful life.

    Each life skills eBook has been developed to EMPOWER you, to HELP your children. Easy-to-follow structured 15 minute activities that you can do to make a difference in your child’s life. Aimed at Children 4-14, it’s never too early or too late to start!

    Available from our shop: Inspired Children E Book Series

    Available from our shop: Inspired Children E Book Series


    15 minute activities - life skills for kids

    Each eBook contains twelve 15 minute activities for each of the seven life skill areas. These easy-to-follow activities will support you in teaching your child important life skills.

    Activities use the following structure: 


    Describes the life skill activity, its purpose and the many benefits for your child. 

    15 minute activity 

    Step one - fact finding 

    Each activity begins with asking your child what they know about the skill to be developed. This helps them build good self esteem as it shows them you value their input and recognise they may already have knowledge in a particular area. This also gives you a base line to start from.

    Step two - doing the activity 

    Describes the steps you can take and provides the information that could be helpful for teaching children life skills. Remember that you can do it your way based on your knowledge, beliefs and parenting style - we only provide advice and suggestions as support for parents. 

    Step Three - Finishing up the activity 

    Gives you an opportunity to sum up the activity, gives your child an opportunity to tell you what they have learned and to ask any questions.

    Another idea 

    Sometimes there are alternatives ways the life skill could be developed or extended. These are provided in the “another idea” section. 

    Age appropriateness tip 

    Where relevant, an age appropriateness tip is provided support for parents with young children. In this case, the activities are modified to cater for a younger child’s level of development, understanding and language skills.

    Want to know more?

    Sometimes other resources are provided in case you want to take the learning further and would benefit from resources to support you. 

    Schedule times and create a routine

    Once you have the Life Skills Home Activity eBook, it is important to take a little time to prepare by reading the activities in advance, selecting the ones you would like to complete and scheduling time for them.  

    Making time and scheduling the activities is crucial to your success. If you don’t plan for the activities, they are less likely to happen. A routine is a great way to make sure the activities are completed. You may like to do the activities at the same time every week so you have an easy routine, for example, straight after school Monday and Friday. You may like to schedule them around other daily activities like before bath or before bed. It is probably better not to schedule activities where you may not have time to complete them - like before school - especially if you tend to run late! If you can’t manage completing the activities on a week day, you might like to schedule the activities at the same time on the weekend. The important thing is that you MAKE time to complete the activity with your child and establish an achievable routine that is right for your family. You may like to start slowly by doing one activity for a few weeks and then when you have that routine established you add the second activity - either at the same time or on another day - it is up to you. Or better still you can just jump in and commit to doing both the 15 minute activities from week 1. 

    You will receive the activities in one email at the end of the week prior to the week you are intended to complete them. This means that you will have a few days including the weekend to look over the activities, schedule them into your plans and if required, prepare for the activities for the following week. 

    In order to make this work it is important to explain the new activities and new routines to your child. For example, you could explain that you will be completing one 15 minute activity on a weekday together after school and one on a weekend after lunch. Or you could choose to both on the weekend or both during the week, whatever suits your family. Once you and your child get into a routine and you both love the activities, your child will be your reminder if you forget! 

    Over time, the 15 minute activities will become part of your normal family life. In this way you will easily and naturally help your child develop the key life skills for a happy and successful life! 

    Getting your child interested and engaged

    You know best what motivates your child and how you can get them to willingly participate in activities. In general, the younger the child, the less persuading and explanation will be needed. Young children tend to simply want to be with you so they will be happy to try these new activities together. Once you have them participating, to maintain interest, it is important to make them fun!  

    Older children on the other hand, may need some persuading by explaining benefits and providing incentives. Each eBook provides the specific benefits your child will gain by completing the activities for each life skill area. Start by explaining the many benefits of the program for your child - as you know your child best - use your own words but here are some ideas from a few different life skill areas: 

    • These activities are about discovering what you’re inspired to do and achieve in your life and then taking the steps to go out and get it! Do you have a goal, dream or something that inspires you? Maybe you want to excel at sports? Achieve high grades at school? Have lots of friends? Start your own business? It’s your life so you get to choose your goals and these activities will help you make those dreams a reality.
    • One of the most important ways to achieve what you want in life is to build your personal power. Achieving goals is important to help you develop your confidence. It makes sense that you’re more likely to feel confident and believe in abilities if you can set and achieve goals
    • Life doesn’t always go smoothly and everyone needs some support to overcome obstacles. The activities in this book will help you overcome difficulties and develop resilience and personal power. For example, if you experiences a difficulty or set back in life, we can work on the activities in this book together to work out the problem, set goals and then take actions to overcome the issue. In this way you can turn a negative situation into a positive one. This is empowering and gives you the tools to be resourceful and resilient.
    • One day you will want to leave home so you will need to be able to cook, clean, wash your clothes and generally take care of yourself. These are all skills you need to start learning now so you are ready when the time comes. It will only be 15 minutes each day! 
    • You’d have to agree that an interesting life is one where you can keep learning new things! It would get very boring if you did the same thing every day. You love the internet and in these 15 minute activities we will do some learning activities on the computer so you will have more computer time.
    • Sometimes you really get stressed out. You can learn some relaxation techniques to help you cope with stressful times like during exams.
    • You want to be liked and have lots of friend’s right? How you communicate with others is a very important to successful relationships. If you can communicate with your friends and family effectively it is more likely you will get along well with others, get things done, have less conflict, have more friends and live a happier life. How to communicate effectively is a skill that you will learn in these 15 minute activities.
    • What do you want to do with your life? There are fun activities to show you how to explore possible careers. This will be very helpful in deciding what to do in life when the time comes. 
    • You are really important to me and I want to spend this one on one time with you to help you learn really important life skills, and we also get to spend more time together too.”

    If knowing the benefits isn’t enough of an incentive to motivate your child to participate, you can also provide other explanations and incentives like: 

    • It is only 15 minutes a day - we will set the timer and definitely won’t go over! 
    • Give it a go for a month and see what you think. 
    • You will feel great about yourself as you will be learning lots of life skills. 
    • You can have 15 minutes more computer time after you complete these activities. 
    • You can have a special treat at the end of every month. 
    • We will put some money in your bank account so you can save for something special. 
    • If you do these 15 minute activities then you can… 

    You need to decide what you feel good about and what would work for your family. Remember, most people work better with an incentive…perhaps you find that work better if you are appreciated and compensated appropriately. The most important thing is that you get your child motivated to willingly participate and learn the valuable life skills, or at least participate at first so that over time they see the benefits and eventually become willing participants! Try to remember that children may not realise how important it is for them to develop life skills to support their life, but you do…so you may need to help motivate them and help them to see how beneficial they are. 

    The key to making this program a wonderful experience and a great success for everyone is to make the most of each 15 minute activity by being 100% present with your child, making it fun as well as educational and just really enjoying being together. 

    More than one child? 

    You may have more than one child. You can work with the activities in a variety of ways to accommodate 2 or more children. 

    Some activities will work very well with more than one child at the same time, others like the activities on developing self esteem, might be better experienced one on one. However, you need to consider the time you can put aside for teaching children life skills and manage that in the best way you can. Spending 15 minutes with your children together is valuable as they will not only learn the life skill they will also spend time with you. This creates an opportunity for sharing and bonding. 

    Doing it well

    Don’t worry if you find it a bit difficult to complete both of the activities each week, or feel like you could have done it better, or run out of time, or finish early…none of that matters. What matters is that you keep going as your child will still be developing their skills! 

    It is important to congratulate yourself and your child for making a start, acknowledging that you are both learning and that you will both get better as time goes by. Remember, the time you spend with your child is valuable in so many ways - you can both learn skills and you get to spend time together! 

    Available from our shop: Inspired Children E Book Series

    Available from our shop: Inspired Children E Book Series

    Here’s what Parent’s are saying about the Inspired Children life skills activities

    Dear Rosina, 

    Your vision for children and their future is fantastic. You have brought together so many people from different fields of life all with the idea of enhancing the future of our planet through children, intertwined their ideas and placed us all into a 'melting pot'. The message is simple, you are putting it out there, communicating to and reaching far more than we can alone. Well done!!! 

    Dr. Brett Grant B.Sc., M.Chiro. 
    Family Chiropractic - Chatswood 

    YouTube Testimonial

    I use most of the weekly lessons for our home-school circle time. My kids are pretty young almost 4 and 2½ but they absolutely LOVE the short sessions and I sense they feel empowered at the end. Some lessons seem kind of deep for their young age, yet I do them anyway. Since I'm using 'grown up' concepts and language, they feel like I'm treating them as grown up. Surprisingly, the Self-Esteem/Self Confidence lesson was a BIG hit! Thank you so much for putting this together for us parents!

    CoffeeCriss - YouTube

    Hi Dr Rosina 

    I am writing to you to thank you for the terrific program that you have created. 

    I have a six year old daughter who has just started your Inspired Children's program and she is really enjoying it. Charlotte loves the
    one-on-one when we spend our 15 minutes together, twice a week. She knows that it’s her special time with mum and we talk about things that are important in life. Since starting your program Charlotte has learned many life lessons and is actually putting them into use without my coaching. 

    One example of this is: Charlotte lost a charm bracelet of mine and offered to save her birthday and Christmas money to buy me a new one! This was just after completing the value of money task. 

    Second example: I caught Charlotte reorganising the fridge door (we may have been trying to leave for school at that time, but the intent was there!) When I asked her what she was doing, she answered that she was making the fridge more “productive”. This was a few weeks after completing the organisation and tidying skill. 

    I have noticed many different improvements in Charlotte’s behaviour and attitude. Without the guidance from your program, I would have never thought of each individual life skill to teach her. 

    Thank you so much for your wonderful program. 

    Angela and Charlotte Burgess 
    Castle Hill 

    Dear Rosina, 

    Thank you for the time, effort and energy you have put into your fabulous program. The Inspired Children weekly activities are truly life changing. I have a 10 year old daughter and 6 year old son - both at very different stages of life and development. The programme activities that we have shared together brings my children together as one and they are not only thinking for themselves they are learning to listen and appreciate each other’s points of view. 

    My children feel empowered after an activity and I feel like I am passing on skills that are usually not learned in school or in any formal environment - most people just "wing it" and hope for the best. I love how the session information is short and easy to read and motivates me to do the work - I love how it makes my children feel - confident, smart and empowered to trust their own instincts and beliefs. The weekly emails keep me on the ball and remind me that it is time to focus on the kids - actually hard to do in today's world / but when the TV, computer, phone are all off and the kids have me for a full 15 mins with focussed thoughts about them they love it and often do not go back to electrical stimulation that dulls their brain! 

    Thank you Rosina, your program is helping my family live an honest, confident meaningful life with minimum effort! 

    Ivanka Grant

    Dr Rosina,

    I am a visual arts teacher & have enjoyed being busy for the last 20 years inspiring a huge number of children in the classroom. When I heard about the Inspired Children program I realised that I could easily be doing more at home to inspire & teach my own 3 children the valuable life skills they need for a happy & fulfilling life. 

    You have made this task easy, because you've completed all the research! It’s brilliant!  You've broken your research up into small segments for me to complete with my children each week in a short amount of time. I love this because life is so busy at the moment. I am gaining much pleasure out of spending this time with my girls, they are having fun doing the activities & I feel that we are closer for participating in the Inspired Children Program.

    Jane Blatchford
    Head Teacher
    Young Artists Visual Arts School

    Dr Rosina,

    I signed up for the Inspired Children Program around 7 months ago and have found it to be an extremely useful source of practical life skills which are invaluable to any parent raising children. Not only have my children thoroughly enjoyed the activities but it has also brought us closer together by opening up the lines of communication and spending quality time together completing the activities.

    I have noticed a considerable change in my 10 year old daughter who not only has become more responsible, organised and tidy around the house but has also displayed a big increase in her self esteem, empathy and compassion toward others.

    Having the activities emailed to you on a weekly basis is a great system as it allows you to print off, file and attend to the activities at your leisure when time permits

    I would thoroughly recommend the program to anyone, in particular those with school aged children"

    Mel Catania
    Castle Hill

    Hi Dr Rosina,

    Before watching your videos I was imagining you as a very attractive and intelligent woman with innocent and cute face, and you are exactly what I was imagining.

    When I was watching one of your videos I was enjoying it so much that I didn't want to stop, I feel so close to you because when you are talking, you gave me the feeling that you want to help people and share your experience with us.

    Thanks for that feeling.
    Thanks for everything and I wish you success with your book

    Rona from Belgium 

    Available for instant Download from our Shop

    Available for IMMEDIATE ACCESS each E Book has 12 Activities so you can make a real difference to your child’s success in life. At only $9.95 for each e-book obtain 84 life enhancing activities for your child, it’s an easy decision.  Shop


    Inspired Children E Books - Buy Now

    Inspired Children E Books - Buy Now

    I Practice what I Preach with our Son

    The thing I know about these life skill activities is that they work. I LOVE reading the testimonials of the great things parents have seen in their children and feeling like I’ve made a positive difference in the lives of families. Over the years I have been doing the activities with our son Cameron and our niece and I can see over time what a difference it makes in a child’s life to have skills and strategies to make the best out of life.  Here’s a recent example, a number of months ago I was called into school to speak with the teacher about Cameron throwing dirt in the play ground. Not my favourite thing to do. When I questioned him about it at home he said he was simply following what his best friend had done first.  I saw this as an important teachable moment, to empower him to make good decisions and keep his personal power.

    I asked Cameron if he thought it was right to throw dirt in the play ground and of course he said “no”. I asked him what might happen if someone got dirt in their eye and he began to see how dangerous it was and that it might cause a child to feel pain and cry. Cameron was learning about the importance of considering consequences of his actions and to check inside himself to see if it was the right thing to do. He was learning about problem solving making good judgments, and the right behaviours. We talked about him being a leader or a follower, and that leaders don’t follow others if they know the other person is doing something wrong that could be dangerous. Leaders consider the consequences of their actions, check inside to see what is right and wrong and then choose to do the right thing so that others can do the right thing too.

    Since then I have used any opportunity that naturally arises to talk about when to be a leader and when it’s good to follow, like when teacher gives an instruction at school to line up quietly or listen at story time. Well, it’s paid off as Cameron now often comes home from school telling me about some child or other doing the wrong thing and that he was a leader and not a follower and did the right thing! I know this doesn’t sound like much now, but this is going to be so important when he grows up and his friends ask if he wants to take drugs. A leader who knows right from wrong, considers the consequences of his actions and has personal power is less likely to succumb to negative peer pressure.  Now I have many examples of where Cameron has been a leader and not a follower when he has made choices and I feel more confident that he will make great choices in the future that empower and not disempower him.

    You can help your child develop a whole range of important life skills by completing the twelve 15 minute activities in each of the Life Skills Home Activity eBook. Over time, these activities can become part of your everyday family life – easy! I would LOVE to hear about your experiences with the program, so please write to me and share your successes – this is inspiring. Then like me I know you can feel great about your child leading a safe, inspired and fulfilling life.

    My sincere best wishes and support for your child’s success!

    Dr Rosina

    Turning the Science of Child Development into the Art of Parenting