Do you have more than one child? Do you have two, three or more children?
Do you find that you simply don’t have enough time for each child, for your partner and especially no time to yourself?
Raising a family of with children of different ages, personalities, needs and then add to the mix, taking care of the home and maybe even working in or on a business can make it a huge challenge.
Today, I interview Dr Christina Hibbert, mum of six … yes, I said six, , clinical psychologist, speaker, founder of the AZ Postpartum Wellness Coalition, who is a bestselling author books including “This is How We Grow“, “Who Am I Without You?”and “8 Keys to Mental Health Through Exercise.” She also hosts her own webtalk radio show called Motherhood. Make sure you take a look she has fabulous episodes on all things related to being a mum.
You might be wondering how a mum with six kids can, right alongside raising them and keeping a household going, manage to achieve all of that! To answer your question, joinDr Rosina, entertaining and educational parenting expert as she interviews Dr Christina Hibbert, to gain many ideas, tips and resources to be able to raise a happy, healthy and well-balanced family and still live a life you love! This show is filled with down to earth practical tips that work.
In this interview you’ll learn:
How to prepare your family for the second and subsequent children to ease the transition, decrease sibling rivalry and increase wellbeing for the whole family.
How to find time for each child and nurture their unique potential.
Ways you can raise a family while living your life fully.
What parents can do to make sure they also find special time with their partner or time to find that special someone!
Do you find the discipline, punishment and rewards model you’re using with the kids isn’t working? Would you like a research and heart-based approach that is founded on empathy and education? See Dr Rosina’s practical Win Win Parenting approach where you’ll get great tips, resources and support to raise well-rounded and capable kids from toddlers to teens.
Screaming at the kids more than you’d like? Are you struggling with parenting in general? Just like a personal trainer can help you get the health outcomes you want, let me be your personal parenting coach. You can get the ongoing support you need with my 12 month online program. Learn at your own pace with videos, audios and articles to help you handle day-to-day parenting challenges, get your parenting questions answered and join our community forum where you can share with like-minded parents.