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Would you like to enhance your children’s communication and relationship skills so they can get along well with family and make friends easily? Imagine how helpful it would be for your child to be able to get their point across effectively and respectfully in school? You can help your children develop these and many more skills by completing the activities in the Communication and Relationships Life Skills Home Activity eBooks

Importance of developing these social skills for children

People are social beings, so being able to communicate with others is a valuable skill for building personal and professional relationships. It is so heartbreaking for a parent to hear the words “I’ve got no friends, nobody wants to play with me”.  Developing your child’s social skills allows them to know what it means to be a good friend and to develop communication skills to help them make and keep the right kind of friends. 

Understanding the complexity of social relationships requires more than just trial and error and a simple understanding of the use of ‘manners’ and ‘protocol’. Your child's social development and communicationskills need to be developed over time, and can become more complex as is age appropriate, through a comprehensive program of instruction, interaction, experience, reflection and practice.

Benefits of the Communication and Relationships social skills for children

The benefits of the Communication and Relationships social activities are that effective communication and social skills enable children to develop strong relationships with family, colleagues and friends and work in a productive, harmonious and enjoyable way. Learning how to cooperate and work in a group as well as understanding when to lead and when to follow are valuable skills. Other social skills your children need to learn include understanding how to avoid unnecessary conflict, managing and expressing anger in an effective way and how to be a good communicator.  Building relationships is essential for creating a harmonious and productive life.

Here are the 12 activities to help your child develop life skills around Communication and Relationships:

LIFE SKILL 1: Writing a letter to nurture relationships

LIFE SKILL 2: Hearing versus listening - learning to listen actively

LIFE SKILL 3: Managing emotions - practicing effective strategies for managing anger

LIFE SKILL 4: Discovering your family history

LIFE SKILL 5: Nurturing relationships: the daily catch-up

LIFE SKILL 6: Exploring the meaning of friendship: your child’s views and your view’s

LIFE SKILL 7: Working in a team or group for a school project

LIFE SKILL 8: Evaluating current friendships: do I have good friends?

LIFE SKILL 9: Exploring emotions: expressing anger

LIFE SKILL 10: Nurturing a relationship with yourself

LIFE SKILL 11: Listening helps build relationships

LIFE SKILL 12: You’re smarter when you are calmer

Remember each activity only takes around 15 minutes to complete and you can complete them at your own pace at a time that suits you and your family’s lifestyle... Most importantly, imagine how good you’ll feel about the huge difference you’re making as a parent to your child’s communication skills and ability to make great friends and get along with family members. The ability to communicate effectively and build relationships are key skills for children who wish to be successful and inspiring leaders in the world.


This is your chance to empower your child and set them up for a happy and harmonious life with friends and family.