Helping children understand and stop racial discrimination

In the many places we live and those we may visit around the world, we generally find ourselves in a multicultural environment. So, to prepare our children make the most of life, it is important to help them understand the benefits of cultural diversity and how important it is to accept that other people may have different values and beliefs.

One of the wonderful advantages of living in a diverse society is the opportunity to eat foods from different cultures, meet people with different beliefs and ideas, enjoy the wonder of creation by accepting and respecting that people from different racial background may look, speak, act and even eat differently.

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Episode 4: Teaching your children to conserve water in your home

Water is the basic building block for all life including humans, plants, insects and other animals on Earth, so without it we couldn’t exist. While over two-thirds of the Earth is covered by water, most of it, around 97 percent, is salt water held in the oceans and therefore only about 3 percent is freshwater. Of the freshwater, only about 1 percent is easily accessible, and the remaining 2 percent is stored in glaciers and icecaps. So as you can see, water is a valuable but scarce resource that needs to be conserved in order to support life. In this video Dr Rosina talks about the ways you can help your kids understand why it is important to conserve water for life and to protect the environment and teaches your children how to conserve water in your home. Less water wasted means more for the planet and less on your water bill. Win/Win! 

Raising caring and compassionate children

Raising caring and compassionate children

I read an article in the Sunday life magazine from a well known guest columnist entitled “Motherhood has made me tough.” I am sure it was written with some tongue in cheek for entertainment value, but alas at the time, I didn’t find it very funny despite believing I have a good sense of humour!

Here are some excerpts:

“What I didn’t know before I became a parent is how annoying children can be. Some of them complain ALL OF THE TIME…Children are greedy, they can be mean, they can manipulate you…and demand attention…”

Have I given you enough to get the general idea? There was a lot more.

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