Communication Skills and Relationships social skills for children

Communication Skills and Relationships social skills for children

Effective communication and social skills enable children to develop strong relationships with family, colleagues and friends and work in a productive, harmonious and enjoyable way. Learning how to cooperate and work in a group as well as understanding when to lead and when to follow are valuable skills. Other social skills for children to learn include understanding how to avoid unnecessary conflict and how to be a good communicator.  Building relationships is essential for creating a happy and productive life. 

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Helping Your Children Learn Healthy lifestyle habits

Helping Your Children Learn Healthy lifestyle habits

Today’s children are experiencing an alarming increase in the rate of obesity, type II diabetes and other health-related issues that can be avoided by introducing simple healthy lifestyle habits as early as possible. As Parents are busy they need healthy life style choices they can easily introduce into daily life. I’ve had a number of health-related questions and so here are some ideas I hope you find helpful: 

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Tools and tips to overcome guilt, anger, judgement & criticism when parenting

Do you find yourself frustrated… escalating to anger and even rage with your children?

Does that lead to feelings of guilt and self criticism?

We all know that parenting has its joys but it also has its challenges. In this show, Dr Robyn Mills interviews Dr Rosina McAlpine to explore why and how being a parent can trigger:

  • Anger and even rage
  • Judgement
  • Criticism
  • Guilt
  • Frustration
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Helicopter Parents, Tiger Mothers and Free Range Parenting. What are they and are they good for kids?

Helicopter Parents, Tiger Mothers and Free Range Parenting. What are they and are they good for kids?

What kind of parent are you? Are you a “hands off parent?” Or perhaps you are at the other end of the extreme – dare I say an “overprotective parent”? Or are you somewhere in between?

The press is filled with criticisms of overbearing parents who are ‘spoiling’ their children. The term often bandied around is "helicopter" parenting.  Then there are the ‘tiger mothers’ who are said to push their children to achieve high standards. At the other end of the extreme there are the group called “free range” parents who are advocates for more hands-off parenting.

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Work-Life Balance: crafting a life you love living. Doing it for yourself & your family

Work-Life Balance: crafting a life you love living. Doing it for yourself & your family

Most parents today say they don’t have work-life balance. In this interview Dr Robyn Mills and Dr Rosina McAlpine discuss 5 keys to crafting and living a life you love- one that works for you and for your kids…the whole family.

Come join us and listen to this interview and learn more about going from a life that’s just okay to one that makes you shine – you owe it to yourself and your family!

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Take care of yourself, live your dreams and be a great role model for your kids

Take care of yourself, live your dreams and be a great role model for your kids

It’s not uncommon to hear parents, particularly mothers, say "I put my children first and my needs last". BUT, is good parenting really about being selfless?  Positive parenting is about setting a good example for your children. Do you want them to learn to put themselves second?

In this show you'll get lots of positive parenting advice and learn about the many benefits to you, your family and your children of being "self full" rather than "self less". And the steps you can take to make it happen in your life.

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Introducing kids to routines & choices to make parenting easier

Introducing kids to routines & choices to make parenting easier

Do you find it difficult to get kids to follow a routine for bedtime and in the morning? Do you find it stressful, get annoyed… and even angry when they won’t get ready for bed and rush around in the morning to get things done? If you’d like some ideas then listen to my interview with Dr Robyn Mills.

With children experiencing increasing levels of stress and anxiety you’ll also learn about helping your kids to be positive and appreciate the good things in life – rather than focussing on the negative.  This is especially helpful in the teen years when kids experience loneliness, rejection and anger if life doesn’t go their way. Helping children manage their emotions and overcome life challenges are key life skills.

Listen to Interview

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Old head on young shoulders: parenting to give kids the wisdom of experience

Old head on young shoulders: parenting to give kids the wisdom of experience

How many times have you wished you could put an old head on young shoulders? Especially in the teen years!!! I know my life would have been different if I only knew back then what I know now. Of course our children need to live and learn through their own experiences and we don't want to stifle their new ideas and ways of being. However, there is room for parents, grandparents and teachers to share their life experiences and the insights that come from the wisdom of hindsight to inspire our youth to be the best version of themselves they can be.

In this radio show you’ll learn lots of positive parenting ideas to support your kids to develop key life skills like good self esteem, resilience and a positive attitude to life.

Listen to Interview

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Effective parenting: don’t worry about what others think and focus on what your child needs!

Effective parenting: don’t worry about what others think and focus on what your child needs!

Be honest – how many times have you focused on what the neighbour, some stranger or a family member thinks about your child and about your parenting? Learn why this causes you to stress, makes you a less effective parent…and get great parenting tips and positive parenting advice.

Have you found at times that despite you not wanting too – you sometimes parent the same way your parents and grandparents parented you? In this interview, we’ll explore how parenting has changed by looking at the things your parents & grandparents said about raising kids.

  • big boys don't cry,
  • Be quiet – what will the neighbours think or what will the neighbours say
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Practical advice for how to wean your child of the bottle

Practical advice for how to wean your child of the bottle

What is the best or easiest way to wean a bay off a bottle? Just not real sure what to do because he does use a sippy cup at meals and throughout the day and only has a bottle to go to sleep…. Please help.

Please remember to read these answers as information you might find useful and suggestions you can try as opposed to advice, as you know your family and can make the best decisions for them as outlined in the disclaimer below.

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Parenting tips on teaching kids about money: earning, saving, investing and donating

Parenting tips on teaching kids about money: earning, saving, investing and donating

I hope you enjoy my interview with the delightful Jean Harris from Launching Life Strategies. One of the key life skills kids can really benefit from is an age appropriate growing understanding money. Whether your child is a toddler demanding toys at the cash register or a tween needing the latest fashion or electronic gadget, you can really help them see that an endless amount of money isn’t available to them, and that money has to be earned and managed before it is spent.

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Does your child talk too much and interrupt? Learn how to help them communicate effectively.

Does your child talk too much and interrupt? Learn how to help them communicate effectively.

"I have a 7 yr old who gets into trouble a lot at school for talking. At home he is loud and interrupts quite a bit. What can I do to help him calm down? He has missed out on special activities in school because of getting into trouble for talking."

Please remember to read these answers as information you might find useful and suggestions you can try as opposed to advice, as you know your family and can make the best decisions for them as outlined in the disclaimer below.

First of all, let me say this was me as a child at school and I face the same challenge with our 6 year old son at home and at school, so believe me I understand and empathise with you completely.  Bright, inquisitive and happy kids are often talkers and love to interact with others. I am very sorry to hear that your son is missing out on activities at school and so here are some ideas you can try to help him manage his talking at certain times.

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How to stop your baby or toddler biting people

How to stop your baby or toddler biting people

"How do you stop a 17mo old from biting people. He does it when excited and mad."

Great question Kim, and one that is commonly asked by parents of babies and toddlers! First of all it’s important for you to know it is quite common for babies and toddlers to bite as part of their development and that it does pass with time and support. But I completely understand that even though it is ‘normal’ it can be a problem that you want to solve as soon as possible. Babies bite for quite different reasons including: teething, their way of exploring the world, as a spontaneous reaction, to get a reaction, or if they can't communicate in another way. I’ve discussed each of these below and possible solutions your can try.

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Helping children understand and stop racial discrimination

In the many places we live and those we may visit around the world, we generally find ourselves in a multicultural environment. So, to prepare our children make the most of life, it is important to help them understand the benefits of cultural diversity and how important it is to accept that other people may have different values and beliefs.

One of the wonderful advantages of living in a diverse society is the opportunity to eat foods from different cultures, meet people with different beliefs and ideas, enjoy the wonder of creation by accepting and respecting that people from different racial background may look, speak, act and even eat differently.

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Episode 8: Reading for pleasure and relaxation

Family life is so busy that we spend most days running around with no time to relax and play with our kids. Does this sound familiar? In this video, Dr Rosina shares a simple idea you can try, so you can make time to relax with your children. It only takes as little as 10-15 minutes... or longer if you like! Ten or fifteen minutes might not seem like much, and you might say “so why bother”, but actually, even taking just a little time out can bring so many benefits for the whole family right now and in the future. 

When you and your children relax together your stress levels go down, you’re calmer and there’s less chance you’ll get angry and snap at the kids. And who doesn’t want peace and quiet at home? Also, relaxing a little each day is good for your physical and mental wellbeing and it is great role modelling for your child which will make a huge difference in the long term. Good habits for a healthy life, start in childhood. There is every reason to take time out to relax with your child and create wonderful memories together. Please sit back, relax and watch the video

Does your child have good self esteem or low self esteem?

In this video Dr Rosina talks about Self Esteem. Self esteem is at the heart of living a happy and fulfilling life. When children feel good about themselves, they think and act in a positive way and they bounce back easily when they encounter life’s setbacks. Unfortunately, many children have low self esteem and this affects so many parts of their lives. A child with low self esteem is less likely to have the courage to make new friends or try new things for fear of rejection or failure. Also, when children feel bad about themselves, they are more likely to have negative thoughts and even misbehave. 

Do you know whether your child has good self esteem or low self esteem? This is not about what you think, but what your child thinks about themselves. In this episode of the Inspired Children TV Parenting Program, Dr Rosina shares some of the questions you can ask your child to help you know whether your child has good or low self esteem. In later episodes, there’ll be lots of information and activities to help your child boost their self esteem and help them fly through life!  

Helping your children learn the value of money with household budgeting

Many children believe there are “endless supplies of money” that simply come out of an automatic cash machine. After all they see us go to the machine, punch in a few numbers and magically the money comes out.

Unless we share how money is earned and managed with our children, they won’t understand how it works in your home now and they won’t be learning the important skills around money for when they leave home and need to take care of themselves.

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Episode 6: Helping your kids manage their time: calendars and routines

Life is busy and to stay on top of everything I find routines and calendars really help. Do your children forget their sporting gear, musical instruments or books for school? Do they leave their homework, school assignments and projects to the last minute? If so, perhaps it’s time to help them take more responsibility for their lives and manage their time more effectively by using a calendar or diary.

Using a calendar, electronic organiser or diary supports children to be on time for events and to manage everyday activities. These are valuable personal qualities for children to develop from a young age that will support them right through their school years, in higher education endeavours, and in time, be a highly valued quality in the workplace. Here’s how you can make the most of calendars and routines with your children whether they are young or older. 

Episode 5: The 15 minute clean up

Children will feel more positive and work more effectively in an orderly environment and so knowing how to keep their room and homework space clean and tidy is a valuable life skill for children to learn. Parents often think it will be quicker if “I just do it myself” – and you are right – but only in the short term! In the long run, once your children have

the ability to maintain order and cleanliness – you will have help and they will have an important skill for life! In this video Dr Rosina shares some ideas about how you can help your children to get things in order ‘little by little’, by employing short bursts of cleaning and tidying every day or two or three and it doesn’t take long at all. Make it fun and it will be an easy habit for your kids to develop!