Health and Wellbeing life skills for children

Health and Wellbeing life skills for children

A child can function more efficiently and effectively in a clean and tidy environment. Further, a child’s diet and exercise play crucial roles in their physical and mental well being. These are very valuable life skills for your child.

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Helping Kids Learn How to Be Healthy

Helping Kids Learn How to Be Healthy

Good health is a great foundation upon which to build a great life. The press is filled with scary news about how our children are obese and unhealthy. So as a parent what can you do to help your kids learn about how to be healthy? One important part of child development is instilling knowledge and good habits around eating and exercise. What kids learn about health when they are young will help them throughout their whole life.

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Are you feeling guilty about not spending enough time with your kids?

Are you feeling guilty about not spending enough time with your kids?

Parents often feel guilty about not spending enough time with their children. Life is so busy with work, taking care of the home and all of the things that need to be done of when raising a family so there is often so little time to spend with the kids.

It’s easy to see that if parents don’t spend quality time with their children, their children could come to the conclusion that they are not important and this can harm a child’s sense of self.

So what can busy parents do?

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Don’t fall into the ‘parenting trap’ - The illusion of self sacrifice

Is your life really busy that you feel like to you hardly have time to breathe?

Do you have many demands on your time: from work, at home, with friends, your family and of course the kids?

So many parents fall into the life trap of day-to-day living and simply going through the motions life. This gets amplified when you have children with so many extra curricula activities, a mortgage and bills to pay so life goes on with one week merging into the next with very little change and no light at the end of the busyness tunnel.

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Helicopter Parents, Tiger Mothers and Free Range Parenting. What are they and are they good for kids?

Helicopter Parents, Tiger Mothers and Free Range Parenting. What are they and are they good for kids?

What kind of parent are you? Are you a “hands off parent?” Or perhaps you are at the other end of the extreme – dare I say an “overprotective parent”? Or are you somewhere in between?

The press is filled with criticisms of overbearing parents who are ‘spoiling’ their children. The term often bandied around is "helicopter" parenting.  Then there are the ‘tiger mothers’ who are said to push their children to achieve high standards. At the other end of the extreme there are the group called “free range” parents who are advocates for more hands-off parenting.

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Turn Tantrums and Sibling Rivalry into Skills for Life

Turn Tantrums and Sibling Rivalry into Skills for Life

Do your toddlers, young children or teens have trouble managing their emotions?

Do your children fight with their siblings and engage in sibling rivalry?

If you answered yes to any of those questions then please join me, Dr Rosina McAlpine and my dear friend Dr Robyn Mills as we explore the many practical tools you can use to turn tantrums and fights into a learning opportunity to teach your children many life skills like:

  •  emotional intelligence: understanding and managing their emotions
  •  social responsibility: being caring and sharing people

Interview can be heard here

OK, we all know that siblings fight and we all know that children can have difficulty managing their big emotions like anger, jealousy and fear, SO, let’s not see this as a negative thing BUT see it in a positive light. You might be sceptical right? Stay with me - how about we reframe these difficult times as opportunities we can use to teach our children how to get on in life, whether they are toddlers or teenagers.

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Creating an inspiring and empowering vision for parenthood and for your family

Creating an inspiring and empowering vision for parenthood and for your family

Do you have a vision for Parenthood your for Children? If you said no, most people would agree with you. It’s crazy really, as you’d never build a house without a plan or blueprint. You don’t sit in your car and start driving to a new place without putting the destination in the GPS.

You’d never have a wedding without a year or more of preparation to make that one special day. BUT how much time have you planned for your children and your family? So, what is your vision for your family? Do you have a plan, goals or a vision for your family and your children? If not, why not? Are you just trying to “wing it” and hope for the best?

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