Education, Career and Money life skills for children

Education, Career and Money life skills for children

Helping children understand the opportunities that developing effective learning strategies can bring and how learning provides the vehicle for personal and professional development are fundamental to developing a positive attitude to learning at the individual level and a skilled workforce at the national level. 

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Want to know more about a Montessori education?

As a family, we decided that Cameron would go to a Montessori  school.  We considered many different types of schools in our local area including state, private, Steiner and Montessori schools. 

In the end it was an easy decision and we chose a Montessori education. Here are just some of the many reasons: 

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Parenting tips on teaching kids about money: earning, saving, investing and donating

Parenting tips on teaching kids about money: earning, saving, investing and donating

I hope you enjoy my interview with the delightful Jean Harris from Launching Life Strategies. One of the key life skills kids can really benefit from is an age appropriate growing understanding money. Whether your child is a toddler demanding toys at the cash register or a tween needing the latest fashion or electronic gadget, you can really help them see that an endless amount of money isn’t available to them, and that money has to be earned and managed before it is spent.

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Helping your children learn the value of money with household budgeting

Many children believe there are “endless supplies of money” that simply come out of an automatic cash machine. After all they see us go to the machine, punch in a few numbers and magically the money comes out.

Unless we share how money is earned and managed with our children, they won’t understand how it works in your home now and they won’t be learning the important skills around money for when they leave home and need to take care of themselves.

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Help your kids develop a positive attitude towards making mistakes

Making mistakes is a natural part of life. Both children and adults alike will make mistakes particularly during the early stages of learning something new. Have you ever reflected upon how you react when you make a mistake? How does your child react when they make a mistake? Do they get angry or upset? Do they use negative self-talk saying things like ‘I am such an idiot, why I am so stupid’? Do they fear being ridiculed by others? OR Does your child see mistakes and errors in a positive light? In this video Dr Rosina explains how you can help your child to develop a positive attitude to making mistakes and see mistakes as feedback, which is a key part of learning.

Positive attitude towards making mistakes

When you make a mistake, how do you experience it? Are you cross with yourself? Do you hear negative self-talk like “oh you idiot or you’re so stupid”? Do you fear being ridiculed by others?    


Do you see mistakes and errors in a positive light - an experience that provides you with feedback and the opportunity to learn? Do you hear positive self-talk like “OK, I’m not there yet, I still need to learn more about that?”

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Helping your children learn the value of money - household spending

Do your children understand the value of money? Do you buy your children everything they want? Most parents do this because they love their children and want to give them everything they can. However, in the long term, this strategy is potentially harmful to your children. Children who are used to getting everything they want will have a hard time valuing money and understanding the concept of budgeting, earning and saving for the things they want in life. This can lead to over spending, over use of credit cards and a lifetime of money problems.

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The love of learning

One of the most important personal attributes for your children to develop is the motivation to learn. How boring would life be if you didn’t learn anything new? By learning you develop and grow as a person. Imagine how successful your children will be if they love learning. Imagine their future job flexibility if they enjoy learning new technology.  Imagine the personal satisfaction they will feel by learning a new language and all of the doors it could open professionally. A the motivation to learn and a love of learning provides the foundation for a successful and interesting life!

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