When bribing, rewarding & punishing your kids doesn't work, read this...

Parenting can be challenging and maybe you're spending more time disciplining & punishing, than enjoying your kids. What if you could get your kids to listen & to cooperate without yelling or bribing? Many family issues result in fights because your kids don't have the skills to manage day-to-day activities. You can take the pain out of parenting by teaching your children to manage their emotions, communicate effectively, resolve conflict, develop a love of learning and much more. With the 15 minute activities in these life skills ebooks you can help your children develop good self-esteem,  manage anger, resolve conflicts, be respectful, develop a love of learning and much more. Don't leave your child's life success up to chance... life skills make a real difference in your child's life success... Learn more about the Win Win Parenting ebooks


Quick fix parenting: short term gain but long terms pain?

We’ve all done it – taken the quick fix way – given in, bribed, begged, rewarded or threatened our kids to get them to listen in the moment.

In this busy life where there are so many distractions, such as mobile phones, television, conversations, exercising, work, housework, beauty treatments and let’s not forget our friends, it is quicker and sometimes less demanding to take the easier choice in regard to our children with our parenting choices. 

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Are today’s children really spoiled, selfish and entitled?

Are today’s children really spoiled, selfish and entitled?

There are regular claims in the press that today's kids are spoiled, self-centred, entitled, selfish and even narcissistic. And that this is because of over-protective ‘helicopter’ parents who are too permissive! To find out if there is any scientific evidence of this Dr Rosina McAlpine interviews Mr Alfie Kohn on his recent book The myth of the spoiled child.

Mr. Alfie Kohn is the author of thirteen books and numerous articles on human behaviour, education, and parenting. He speaks at education conferences, universities, corporations and parent groups. For more information about Mr Kohn’s work see www.alfiekohn.org

One of the reason’s I really value Mr Kohn’s work is that he uses a research-based approach. He takes ideas from popular culture and explores whether there is any scientific proof.

In this interview you'll:

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How children learn & thrive: swapping discipline with empathy education (Part 2)

How children learn & thrive: swapping discipline with empathy education (Part 2)

Parents want to raise respectful children who make good choices. We want our kids to be well behaved and choose the right way to act in the world and the right way to speak with people.

If your children do something “naughty” or act “disrespectfully,” how do you help your children to learn the right thing to do?

Do you get angry and yell at the kids or do you send them into time out?   Do you give them a reward if they have good behaviour or take something away if they do the wrong thing?

I was hit as a child and I hated it. I also hated seeing my siblings get hit as well. So I was determined not to hit our son.

When I’ve yelled at our son, or put him in time out or made him do things for a reward or punishment - it didn’t feel good to me… I felt guilty and I hated seeing him upset. I can’t imagine any parent who likes disciplining and punishing their children... it doesn't feel good to yell, put them in time out or smack them. They are our precious babes ... but at the same time we can't have them running wild right?

So I asked the questions:

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How children learn and thrive: swapping discipline with empathy and education

How children learn and thrive: swapping discipline with empathy and education

When it comes to parenting, discipline is a very controversial topic. There are many approaches parents use to discipline their kids including: time out, hitting, spanking and a variety of rewards and punishments. In many cases parents simply do what was done to them as kids, other parents choose to do the exact opposite.

Do you need positive parenting advice and parenting strategies to support your child’s development? The key is to consider whether discipline is the best way to raise happy, healthy and well balanced children? And if so, which forms of discipline are best?

This is the definition of discipline from the online dictionary:

"The practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour, using punishment to correct disobedience".

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Work-Life Balance: crafting a life you love living. Doing it for yourself & your family

Work-Life Balance: crafting a life you love living. Doing it for yourself & your family

Most parents today say they don’t have work-life balance. In this interview Dr Robyn Mills and Dr Rosina McAlpine discuss 5 keys to crafting and living a life you love- one that works for you and for your kids…the whole family.

Come join us and listen to this interview and learn more about going from a life that’s just okay to one that makes you shine – you owe it to yourself and your family!

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Take care of yourself, live your dreams and be a great role model for your kids

Take care of yourself, live your dreams and be a great role model for your kids

It’s not uncommon to hear parents, particularly mothers, say "I put my children first and my needs last". BUT, is good parenting really about being selfless?  Positive parenting is about setting a good example for your children. Do you want them to learn to put themselves second?

In this show you'll get lots of positive parenting advice and learn about the many benefits to you, your family and your children of being "self full" rather than "self less". And the steps you can take to make it happen in your life.

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