Every parent wants their children to grow up healthy and happy. Good health and order in life provide a strong foundation for wellbeing and a successful life. Getting more vegetables into your child’s diet helps them to grow healthy bodies and health brains. This will give them more energy to exercise and to learn. We all know the saying, “healthy body, healthy mind”, but unfortunately, statistics show an increasing number of children have ill health with rising numbers of children experiencing both physical and psychological disorders like obesity, diabetes, anxiety and depression. These all stem from poor diets.
So how can you get your children to eat more healthy vegetables? First, kids need home cooking - there are very few vegetables in fast foods... you’ll be lucky if you get a piece of lettuce and slice of tomato in a burger or taco. So the key is to have your kids eat most of their meals at home and to get them involved in all stages of food preparation.
Start with planning meals together and invite your children to tell you the vegetables they like, go out shopping together and invite the kids to pick one new vegetable a week or fortnight. Most importantly, allow them to help with food preparation. In the kitchen you can share recipes, hear about their day and take time to be together while you make the family meal. It is good for the body and for the heart.
Our son is only 6 years old but he loves to help in the kitchen. While I am cutting the vegetables for dinner he likes to make a salad for the family and I prepare him a special plate to enjoy while he waits for dinner. Now you see it

Now you don’t
If you need some help in supporting your children to learn more about healthy eating, exercising, helping around the home and even making healthy snacks, please check out the Inspired Children Health and Wellbeing Life Skills Home Activity eBook. The book has 12 easy-to-follow activities that only take 15 minutes to complete and are designed to help your children learn about the importance of exercise and good nutrition as well as personal and home cleanliness, providing a sound foundation for a happy and healthy life.
Find out more about developing your child’s Health and Wellbeing and how the Health and Wellbeing Life Skills Home Activity eBook can benefit the whole family.