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Introducing kids to routines & choices to make parenting easier

Do you find it difficult to get kids to follow a routine for bedtime and in the morning? Do you find it stressful, get annoyed… and even angry when they won’t get ready for bed and rush around in the morning to get things done? If you’d like some ideas then listen to my interview with Dr Robyn Mills.

With children experiencing increasing levels of stress and anxiety you’ll also learn about helping your kids to be positive and appreciate the good things in life – rather than focussing on the negative.  This is especially helpful in the teen years when kids experience loneliness, rejection and anger if life doesn’t go their way. Helping children manage their emotions and overcome life challenges are key life skills.


If you need some help in supporting your children to learn more about healthy eating, exercising, helping around the home and even making healthy snacks, please check out the Inspired Children Health and Wellbeing Life Skills Home Activity eBook.  The book has 12 easy-to-follow activities that only take 15 minutes to complete and are designed to help your children learn about the importance of exercise and good nutrition as well as personal and home cleanliness, providing a sound foundation for a happy and healthy life.

Find out more about developing your child’s Health and Wellbeing and how the Health and Wellbeing Life Skills Home Activity eBook can benefit the whole family.

You’ll have many opportunities to help your kids develop important life skills. If you’d like to know more about how to help your children eat well, exercise and even help you tidy up around the home, have a look at my Inspired Children Health and Wellbeing Life Skills Home Activity eBook. There are twelve easy-to-follow life skills activities you can complete in just 15 minutes at a time. Here are just some of the skills and knowledge your child can learn:

The fun 15 minute clean up technique; How to make a healthy snack; Getting kids to enjoy a variety in food as part of a healthy diet; Household cleanliness: doing the dishes with a difference; A before bed routine to prepare for the next day... no more rushing around in the morning; The benefits of stretching; Playing team sports – more than just good health; How to help your kids reduce their junk food intake by learning about ‘Treats’, ‘Weekend Food’ and ‘Sometimes Food’; Relaxation for general wellbeing; Chewing food correctly for improving digestion and getting good nutrition; and the many health benefits of being in nature.

Remember each activity only takes around 15 minutes to complete and you can complete them at your own pace at a time that suits you and your family’s lifestyle... Most importantly, imagine how good you’ll feel about the huge difference you’re making as a parent to your child’s understanding about how to care of themselves by eating well and exercising. So many kids are suffering right now because they are overweight, others because they can’t manage stress. Learning how to be healthy as a child is a foundation for a long and happy life. Find out more about Health and Wellbeing


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