Do your children constantly fight with you, each other and their friends? Do they scream and throw things around when they don’t get their way? Well, if you’d like more peace in your home, then watch this video about how you can help your children learn empathy and manage conflict peacefully.
I’ve been doing research for the last 6 months at the University of San Diego and I met Mrs Watson in her Social Entrepreneurs class. Mrs Watson is a mum of two and a postgraduate student at the University of San Diego who is completing a Masters degree in Peace and Justice. We got to talking and I learned about the wonderful ways she is supporting her children to learn how to navigate life peacefully and respectfully at home and school and I wanted to share them with all parents.
Mrs Watson talks about her vision for parenthood and how that led her to do some study in child development, children’s literacy and other courses to help her navigate the road of parenthood. Establishing a good community for your children to grow up in is a key to helping them learn how to get on well with others and manage the ever present change that happens in life. Mrs Watson shares the main principles peace and justice and how she how translates her learning into her home with her two young children.
Finally, you’ll learn the importance of helping children manage change. Everyday children need to deal with change. When kids can’t cope it can leave them anxious and stressed. In order to thrive children need to learn the skills and develop the personal qualities that will help them move easily through change and bounce back after difficulties.
You can help your child develop their Personal Power – self esteem, confidence and resilience with practical activities that only take 15 minutes at a time.