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Your Parenting Style How it Affects Your Partner and Your Child

Calling all “Helicopter Parents,  Tiger Mums,  Bulldozer Parents, Workaholic Dads and Free Range Parents…”

Are you an easy going kind of parent or do you like to run a ‘tight ship’ and keep everyone and everything in order? And what about your partner are they the same or completely different and if they’re different does it drive you crazy sometimes? You say to your child “no snacks until after dinner” and you turn around and your partner is munching on a chocolate bar and sharing it with your child!

Every parent has their own style or approach parenting which, if we’re honest, is mostly its automatic – you don’t have to think much about it – it’s just who you are. And if that works for you and your family – that’s great! BUT what if your parenting style clashes with your partners’ approach to raising your children and what if you and your children can’t seem to get along – you just don’t seem to get where they’re coming from?

Today my guest is going to shed light on how your approach to parenting affects your child and your partner, and she’ll offer ways you can increase your awareness on your parenting style. Most importantly, you’ll get great practical tips on how you can become more flexible and more capable so you can develop your own resourcefulness (Tracy calls this ‘self-mastery’) and build strong relationships with the people you love most in the world.

Tracy Tresidder is an executive, life and family coach and co-founder of Coaching 4 teenagers. Tracy holds a number of qualifications including Masters Degree in Education and a Professional Development Certificate in Coaching Practice from the University of Sydney.  She’s the author of the book – “knowing me knowing them” which is available on Amazon, and her approach is a Win Win for families. By using the enneagram which is a tool that helps people understand their personality type – she transform parents’ relationships with their children and parent’s understanding of each other – in only a matter of weeks.

In this show you’ll learn:

  • What the Enneagram is

  • Why the enneagram is beneficial to understanding your parenting personality

  • That each personality type offers an opportunity for self-mastery

  • How you can use parenting personalities to support your child’s potential

  • How it changes the lives of parents and families: stronger connections and better relationships.

A few weeks ago, I interviewed Tracy about “How to thrive during the teenage years: practical advice for parents and teens” Make sure you listen to that interview with your teen – it’s full of great ideas for parents and teens. Win Win!

Learn more about Tracy Tresidder and her coaching programs and resources at her website where you can “discover your brilliance”.

For help raising well-rounded and capable kids from toddlers to teens, get great tips, resources and support using Dr Rosina’s practical parenting approach.

Struggling with parenting? You can get the ongoing support you need with my 12 month online program. Learn at your own pace with videos, audios and articles to help you handle day-to-day parenting challenges with a community forum where you can share with like-minded people.


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